Disclaimer: I'm relatively inexperienced in C# / WPF / EFC
I'm working on a WPF application written in C# which needs to store some data in a database. To store this data, I want to use Entity Framework Core. The application will uses a shared database instance which is also used by other applications. Each application has its own table prefix so my application needs to have an own table prefix as well.
What I want to achieve is that all objects which are inherited from Parent
are stored in the same table. When I "load" data from the table I want an instantiated instance of concerning Child
class. It is/should not possible to have instances of Parent
Add table prefix
I added the table prefixes in the OnModelCreating
function of my DbContext
class (this works great so far):
foreach (var entity in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
modelBuilder.Entity(entity.ClrType).ToTable(tablePrefix + entity.GetTableName());
Implement "Table per Hierarchy"
After implementing the table prefix, I implemented the TPH according to this description https://www.learnentityframeworkcore.com/inheritance/table-per-hierarchy
This is the implementation:
public abstract class Parent
// ...
public class ChildA : Parent
// ...
public class ChildB : Parent
// ...
internal class EcroDbContext : DbContext
private string tablePrefix = "APP_PREFIX_";
public DbSet<Schedule> Schedules { get; set; } = null;
public DbSet<ChildA> ChildA { get; set; } = null;
public DbSet<ChildBIpp> ChildB { get; set; } = null;
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
string user = "xxx";
string password = "xxx";
string dbName = "xxx";
string conString = "User Id=" + user + ";Password=" + password + ";Data Source=" + dbName;
optionsBuilder.UseOracle(conString, x => x.MigrationsHistoryTable(tablePrefix + "ef_migration_history", null));
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Entity<Parent>().ToTable(tablePrefix + "Jobs");
// Add prefix to each table.
// When I remove this foreach, the TPH works fine
foreach (var entity in modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes())
modelBuilder.Entity(entity.ClrType).ToTable(tablePrefix + entity.GetTableName());
When I run Add-Migration InitialMigration
, I got this error:
Unable to create a 'DbContext' of type ''. The exception 'Both 'ChildB' and 'ChildA' are mapped to the table 'APP_PREFIX_APP_PREFIX_APP_PREFIX_Jobs'. All the entity types in a non-TPH hierarchy (one that doesn't have a discriminator) must be mapped to different tables.
The error says that "all entity types in a non-TPH must map a different table", but I thought I had implemented TPH for the mentioned classes. First I thought that I implemented it wrong, but when I remove the table prefix part from the OnModelCreating
part, it seems to work fine.
This means that the table prefix implementation causes issues for the TPH
implementation. How can I solve this error?
I notice that the prefix is added 3 times for the Jobs
table. How can I solve this?
I solved the naming issue by checking if the name already contains the prefix (like @ Svyatoslav Danyliv suggested).
foreach (var entity in (modelBuilder.Model.GetEntityTypes()))
if (!entity.GetTableName().Contains(tablePrefix))
modelBuilder.Entity(entity.ClrType).ToTable(tablePrefix + entity.GetTableName());
This also solved the TPH issue for some reason. It works like a charm now.