I am trying to send a json payload like below
{ "type": "test", "subject": "Testing email", "message": "Email Notification Services Test.", "recipient": [ "test", "test" ], "attachment": "" }
and I need a payload in the output as
{ "type": "test", "subject": "Testing email", "message": "Email Notification Services Test.", "recipient": [ "asda", "test" ], "attachment": "" }
but I am getting payload as
{ "type": [ "test" ], "subject": [ "Testing email" ], "message": [ "Email Notification Services Test." ], "recipient": [ "test", "test" ], "attachment": [ "" ] }
I don't understand why every value is added in the form of an array in the output. Can somebody help me with this? Using Flowgear I am using Quick Map connector to get this output. Can somebody help me with this? Your help is appreciated