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How to use Russian character json files (nlohmann json) in C++?

I have this .json file:

  "name": [
      "text": "Привет мир!"
      "text": "Hello World!"

. I want to read it, using nlohmann's json.cpp. There is my code:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "lib\include\nlohmann\json.hpp" 

using namespace std;
using namespace nlohmann;

int main(){
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian"); //The console method does not work
    json massive;
    string tempp;
    fstream f;"json1.json");
    f >> massive;
    cout << massive["name"][0]["text"].dump()<<endl; //Russian text
    cout << massive["name"][1]["text"].dump(); //English text

. When I start the program, it outputs the following information:

"Р?С?РёР?РчС' Р?РёС?!"
"Hello World!"

English language works good, but Unknown characters appear instead of the text in Russian. The json file encoding is utf-8. How can I take information in Russian language from a json file

i tried "setlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian")" Using temporary string variable can't solve problem

Solution to the problem: Add to includes #include <locale> and locale::global(std::locale{ ".UTF-8" }); cout.imbue(std::locale("ru_RU.UTF-8")); to int main()


  • Assuming you are using Windows and MSVC (you've used wrong slash in include directive) this should work:

    #include <locale>
    int main() {
        std::locale::global(std::locale{".UTF-8"}); // inform standard library application logic uses UTF-8
        std::cout.imbue(std::locale("")); // use system locale to select output encoding

    Will fail on other systems since ".UTF-8" is not valid locale name on this platforms.

    Also please make sure that your input file is UTF-8 encoded (JSon should use only this encoding).

    Note that there is no locale name Russian. On Windows valid locale name is for example: ru_RU.UTF-8 ru_RU.866. For details see documentation.