Search code examples

Hibernate Search with Lucene matches configuration

I'm completely new to Hibernate Search and I'm facing a bug in which the searching is matching 007a7358924e4a60923c6a57f58333bf when the query term is 0001. The field in question is the following:

@FullTextField(analyzer = "edgeNgram")
@Column(name = "serial")
private String serial;

The edgeNgram is declared as:

public void configure(final LuceneAnalysisConfigurationContext context) {
      .param("minGramSize", "2")
      .param("maxGramSize", "32");

And the matching is done with:

private SearchPredicate matchField(SearchPredicateFactory f, String field, String search) {
  return f.match().field(field).matching(search).toPredicate();

I don't know if this bug makes sense, since I suppose this is how this engine works, and the essence of searching is showing you results which are not exact. But this was raised as a bug, and I'm looking for someway to make 0001 or 000 to not match the previous string.

I'm open to include any code that you may find useful. I don't really know how to outline this question in a clearer way.


  • You should try defining a different analyzer to be applied to your search terms without including the ngram filter:

    public void configure(final LuceneAnalysisConfigurationContext context) {
          .param("minGramSize", "2")
          .param("maxGramSize", "32");
          // this one probably also doesn't make sense (unless your search query includes HTML...):

    and then in your entity:

    @FullTextField(analyzer = "edgeNgram", searchAnalyzer = "searchAnalyzer")
    @Column(name = "serial")
    private String serial;

    what happens is that the same analysis is applied to your search string "0001", and it is tokenized as [00, 000, 0001]; since your document value 007a7358924e4a60923c6a57f58333bf starts with 00 you are getting a match.