I have a question, is it possible to extend this formula: I have conditional formatting which highlight the cells in calendar based on the start date and end date where is there is text „Studio“.
Start date:
End date:
This formula basically firstly check whether in sheet accomodation_2024 is in column F text „Studio“ and than if yes than will highlight the start date in calendar based on column G and highlight the end date based on column H.
Is it possible to adjust this formula to find the same date (or overlapping date) in two columns F and H? It firstly need to also check for the „Studio“ condition. For example, I have start date in column G (08.01.2024) and end date in column H (08.01.2024).
Sometime the start date is the same as end date. The same precondition should applied if "accomodation_2024!$F$7:$F$101="Studio" than highlight cell where the start date is the same as end date. Thanks.
Edit: 31.01.2024 - added images of table, calendars and rules
Table accomodation_2024:
Try this:
You can also use similar formulas for the other conditional formattings:
The last one especially since your red-coloring conditional formatting doesn't work as it should (it won't paint red the second week of jan 2024, for example).