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How to generate ul li from a nested array?

I have the following code below and trying to find a way to generate <ul> and <li> to output an unordered list via Javascript.


  1. How can I parse the following array to generate a nested unordered list html?
  2. If I were to use recursion, how would I recursively iterate through all nested children to print a nested unordered list?

What I tried that didn't work

const data = [
        name: '125313-7j',
        name: '584996-s7',
        _children: [
                name: '747773-jw',
                name: '377526-zg',
                _children: [
                        name: '955330-wp',
                        name: '343693-9x',
                name: '638483-y2'
        name: '306979-mx'
        name: '066195-o1',
        _children: [],

$(function() {
let innerHtml = '<ul>';
data.forEach( item => {
  innerHTML += '<li>' + '<div>' + + '</div>';
    if(item._children) {
      // ***ISSUE***  this doesn't print all the children so i cannot recursively get all the children
       console.log('children', item._children);

innerHtml += '</ul>';

Expected output

  <li> <div>Name1</div>
         .... continue the next unordered list until all children have been displayed ...


  • For your requirement, the recursive solution seems more intuitive to me. Let me share my insights for approaching this:

    # Pseudocode
    # generateList(items)
    #   1. init: html<String> with opening "<ul>" tag. 
    #            Can also use array. See References section
    #   2. for item in items
    #       2.1. html += "<li><div>",, "</div>"
    #       2.2. if item has _children and the length of _children is greater than 0
    #            2.2.1. html += result of calling generateNestedList recursively with item._children
    #       2.3. html += closing "<\li>"
    #   3. html += closing "</ul>"
    #   4. return html.
    # end function

    const data = [{
        name: '125313-7j',
        name: '584996-s7',
        _children: [{
            name: '747773-jw',
            name: '377526-zg',
            _children: [{
                name: '955330-wp',
                name: '343693-9x',
            name: '638483-y2'
        name: '306979-mx'
        name: '066195-o1',
        _children: [],
    function generateList(items) {
      let html = '<ul>';
      items.forEach((item) => {
        html += '<li><div>' + + '</div>';
        if (item._children?.length > 0) {
          html += generateList(item._children);
        html += '</li>';
      html += '</ul>';
      return html;
    const innerHtml = generateList(data);
    // console.log(innerHtml);
    document.getElementById("list-container").innerHTML = innerHtml;
    <div id="list-container"></div>


    1. Array Join vs String Concat
    2. Optional Chaining(?.)