I got this error while trying to create a custom OpenIdAuthenticationMapper
. This code will make a request to an Oauth server to get the identification code and token. I don't know how to convert the AuthenticationResponse.success
to Publisher<AuthenticationResponse>
Micronaut: 4.2.1
ERROR io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Error starting Micronaut server: Failed to inject value for parameter [authenticationMapper] of class: io.micronaut.security.oauth2.endpoint.authorization.response.DefaultOpenIdAuthorizationResponseHandler
Message: Multiple possible bean candidates found: [DefaultOpenIdAuthenticationMapper, MyOpenIdAuthenticationMapper]
class MyOpenIdAuthenticationMapper(
) : OpenIdAuthenticationMapper {
override fun createAuthenticationResponse(
providerName: String,
tokenResponse: OpenIdTokenResponse,
openIdClaims: OpenIdClaims,
@Nullable state: State?
): Publisher<AuthenticationResponse> {
# Make request to Oauth server
val attributes = mapOf(
return Mono.create { AuthenticationResponse.success(identificationCode, emptyList(), attributes) }
Micronaut finds two bean candidates of type OpenIdAuthenticationMapper
in your application context and therefore it fails, because it does not know how to resolve that conflict.
To resolve this conflict you've got to help Micronaut using the following options:
Mark your bean as the primary
Use @Primary
to tell Micronaut to choose your bean, to resolve the multiple possible bean candidates conflict.
class MyOpenIdAuthenticationMapper : OpenIdAuthenticationMapper {}
Replace the DefaultOpenIdAuthenticationMapper
You can replace the DefaultOpenIdAuthenticationMapper
with your implementation by adding @Replace
class MyOpenIdAuthenticationMapper : OpenIdAuthenticationMapper {}
to your class. This will make sure there is only one OpenIdAuthenticationMapper bean in the application context.
Further readings