Hi I can't seem to get the names of my chart it always returns S1P1. Am I missing something or doing something wrong?
Dim pointNames As String
Dim pointEntryIndex As Integer
For pointEntryIndex = 1 To ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).Points.Count
pointNames = ActiveChart.FullSeriesCollection(1).Points(pointEntryIndex).Name
Debug.Print pointNames
Next pointEntryIndex
As written in the comment, the name of a point is in the form SxPy with x = series number and y = point number. This name is given by Excel automatically and cannot be changed (it is a read only property).
You wrote in the comment that you want to access the DataLabel
of a point. That's rather easy. Every point has a property DataLabel
- but you need to check if data labels are switched on for that point. For that, you can use the property HasDataLabel
. If this is False
and you access DataLabel
, you will get a runtime error.
You can ensure that data labels are switched on by using the method ApplyDataLabels
for the data series.
Have a look to the following code. You will notice that I use intermediate variables for chartObject, chart, Series and Point. This is not a must, but it helps to debug the code, and I often use the Locals Window (View->Locals Window) to inspect the objects and learn about the properties.
Dim co As ChartObject, ch As Chart
' Change this to whatever chart you want to deal with.
Set co = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1)
Set ch = co.Chart
Dim seriesIndex As Long
For seriesIndex = 1 To ch.FullSeriesCollection.Count
Dim ser As Series
Set ser = ch.FullSeriesCollection(seriesIndex)
' This switches on the DataLabels for the series
Dim pointEntryIndex As Integer
For pointEntryIndex = 1 To ser.Points.Count
Dim p As Point
Set p = ser.Points(pointEntryIndex)
If p.HasDataLabel Then
Debug.Print p.DataLabel.Caption
' You can set the Caption to whatever you want.
p.DataLabel.Caption = "Hi" & seriesIndex & "." & pointEntryIndex
End If
Next pointEntryIndex
Next seriesIndex