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How to track shipment details in Excel without opening browser?

I have so many shipment details that I need to track and record the input in an Excel spreadsheet daily. Doing it manually is so hectic. For example, I have tracking IDs in column A of Sheet1 and would like to pull tracking data from column B onwards. The shipping line website is Suppose, tracking IDs (BL number) are MEDUUG990010, MEDUUG990093, MEDUUG990119 and each shipment is carrying five containers. In that case, details of all the containers of each shipment will be reflected in the Excel file like the attached picture.enter image description here

I have tried below VBA but it is not working by saying Run time error 424: Object required.

Sub track_shipment()
Dim trackNum As String, IE As Object, table As MSHTML.HTMLTable, finalPODETA As String, row As Double, col As Double
trackNum = "MEDUUG931675"
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
IE.navigate ""
IE.Visible = False
While IE.busy
Call delay(2)
IE.document.getElementById("ctl00_ctl00_Header_TrackSearch_txtBolSearch_TextField").Value = trackNum
Call delay(2)
finalPODETA = IE.document.getElementById("ctl00_ctl00_plcMain_plcMain_rptBOL_ctl00_rptContainers_ctl01_pnlContainer").getElementsByClassName("containerStats singleRowTable table-equal-3")(0).getElementsByTagName("td")(2).textContent
finalPODETA = Trim(finalPODETA)
Set table = IE.document.getElementById("ctl00_ctl00_plcMain_plcMain_rptBOL_ctl00_rptContainers_ctl01_pnlContainer").getElementsByClassName("resultTable")(0)
For row = 0 To table.Rows.Length - 1
    For col = 0 To 4
        Sheet1.Cells(5 + row, col + 1).Value = table.Rows(row).Cells(col).innerText
    Next col
Next row
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") = finalPODETA
Exit Sub

End Sub Function delay(seconds As Long) Dim endTime As Date endTime = DateAdd("s", seconds, Now()) Do While Now() < endTime DoEvents Loop End Function

Is there any way to track and record the data in an Excel file without opening the browser using VBA?


  • @S.Shotez you can use API of, you can test API response here:

    just insert tracking item MEDUUG990010 in user form and it will return you URL:

    copy into browser or click on url above and you will see JSON that can be parsed using JsonCoverter, here the link:

    you need do import JsonConverter.bas into your VBAProject, here example how to work with api response:

    Function MscApiJsonOutput(url As String) As Object
        Dim mscService As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60 'you need to activate "Microsoft XM L, v6.0" in References
        With mscService
            .Open "Get", url, False
            .SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"
            .Send ""
            '.Status ' you can chech status before parse, e.g. if .Status = "401" then ....
            Set MscApiJsonOutput = JsonConverter.ParseJson(.responseText)
        End With
    End Function

    and routine that will use function above:

    Sub getDataFromMsc()
        Dim baseUrl As String
        baseUrl = ""
        Dim shipment As String
        Dim json As Object
        Dim item, key
        shipment = "MEDUUG990010"
        Set json = MscApiJsonOutput(baseUrl & shipment)
        'here you need to extract the data you required   
        For Each item In json
            For Each key In item
                On Error Resume Next
                Debug.Print key, " : ", item(key)
                If Err.Number <> 0 Then
                    Debug.Print key, " : Array ... "
                End If
        Next key, item
    End Sub

    Also, you need to add "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" into References because JsonConverter.bas use Dictionary.


    enter image description here