I tried below code, for the first try I try to attach the .txt file.
private static void sendMailWithAttachment(String sFrom,String sSubject,String sContent,BodyType sContentType) {
final Message message = new Message();
message.subject = sSubject;
message.body = new ItemBody();
message.body.content = sContent;
message.body.contentType = sContentType;
LinkedList<Attachment> attachmentsList = new LinkedList<Attachment>();
FileAttachment fileAttachment = new FileAttachment();
fileAttachment.name = "Example text file";
// Path path = Paths.get("/Users/user/Desktop/Text.txt");
fileAttachment.contentBytes = FileUtils.readAllBytes(path);
fileAttachment.oDataType = "#microsoft.graph.fileAttachment";
AttachmentCollectionResponse attachmentCollectionResponse = new AttachmentCollectionResponse();
attachmentCollectionResponse.value = attachmentsList;
AttachmentCollectionPage attachmentCollectionPage = new AttachmentCollectionPage(attachmentCollectionResponse, null);
message.attachments = attachmentCollectionPage;
I am not understand that how to give the path which takes the attachment from the local system.
The path "/Users/user/Desktop/Text.txt" appears to be Windows Resource Management
If the program and files are in different drive letters, you can use Paths.get("C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\Text.txt")
If the program and file are in the same drive letter, you can use \\Users\\user\\Desktop\\Text.txt
It is recommended to use java.io.File.separator
as the directory separator to be compatible with different platforms