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Counting the number of polygons containing origin in 2D

Suppose we have n points in 2D space in convex position. There are precisely choose(n, k) different convex k-gons (non-degenerate). Is there any existing algorithm that runs in O(n log n) time (for a fixed k) which counts the number of polygons containing the origin?

I tried to look for any such algorithms in the literature, but only managed to find an algorithm for k=3.


  • Here is a sweep line algorithm.

    First, count up polygons. Then sweep a line around, removing polygons not containing the origin when the polygon is fully in view, then has its first point removed.

    import math
    def choose (n, m):
        # Special case this to avoid division by zero.
        if n < m:
            return 0
            answer = 1
            for i in range(m):
                answer = (answer * (n-i)) // (i+1)
            return answer
    # I assume that points are (x, y) pairs here.
    def count_poly_containing_origin (k, points):
        # Start with total number of polygons, subtract those without origin.
        polys = choose(len(points), k)
        # Convert ones not at origin to angle with -pi < angle <= pi
        angles = []
        for x, y in points:
            if x == 0 and y == 0:
                pass # I'm assuming closed polygons. Have this, have origin.
                angles.append(math.atan2(x, y))
        angles = sorted(angles)
        # We are going to sweep a line around. We will add each point when we
        # see it, and remove it math.pi later. When we remove the point, we
        # subtract off how many polygons it is in that do not contain the origin.
        # i represents what we will remove next. j represents what we will add
        # next, selected is how many points are currently selected.
        # We start nothing selected, added, or removed.
        i = j = selected = 0
        while i < len(angles):
            if i <= j:
                if angles[j] < angles[i] + math.pi:
                    # add point
                    selected += 1
                    j += 1
                    # Do we need to wraparound?
                    if j == len(angles):
                        j = 0
                    # remove point
                    selected -= 1
                    i += 1
                    # Remove the polygons containing angles[i] and not the origin.
                    polys -= choose(selected, k-1)
                if angles[j] < angles[i] - math.pi:
                    # add point
                    selected += 1
                    j += 1
                    # remove point
                    selected -= 1
                    i += 1
                    # Remove the polygons containing removed point and not the origin.
                    polys -= choose(selected, k-1)
        return polys

    For fixed k this is a O(n log(n)) algorithm. For large k the bottleneck is repeatedly calculating choose(m, k-1) for the subtraction. That can be sped up by creating a lookup table for it in O(n). (Left as an exercise for the reader.)