Is there a bit trick to check whether a number can be expressed as sum of x powers of 2?
Example: For x=3 n=21, the numbers are 16, 4, and 1. If n=30, it should be false, because there are no 3 powers of two to represent 30.
For a number n …
-bits in n. This number is called popcount(n).0b1011
needs at least popcount(0b1011
)=3 powers of two to be summed up (0b1000
is a power of two you can add 1
n times to get n.Now comes the hard question. What if x is between popcount(n) and n?
As it turns out, all of these x are possible. To build a sum of x powers of two …
be expressed as a sum of x=7 powers of two?Yes, because popcount(n)=3 <= x=7 <= n=11.
To build a sum with x=7 powers of two we use
11 = 0b1011
= 0b1000
| only 3 addends, so split one
= (0b100
| only 4 addends, so split another one
= ((0b10
| only 5 addends, so split another one
= (((0b1
| only 6 addends, so split another one
= (((0b1
| 7 addends, done
To implement the check »can n can be expressed as sum of x powers of two?« use
isSumOfXPowersOfTwo(n, x) {
return x<=n && x>=popcount(n).
For efficient bit-twiddling implementations of popcount
see this question. Some processors even have an instruction for that.