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MongoDB filter list by number or string

This is one doc in my "Assets" collection.

  category: "categoryName"
  name: "assetName",
  weight: 400,

I need to filter by "name" or "weight" and this is what I do in NodeJS

...(filter) && {
  $or: [
    { name:     { "$regex": filter, "$options": "i" } }
    { weight:   +filter                               } // filter is string

I get the following error because weight in my model is of type Number and I don't want to change that.
CastError: Cast to Number failed for value "NaN" (type number) at path "weight"

what would be the best way to handle this?


  • Just construct the condition dynamically, you're already doing most of the work:

    ...(filter) && {
        $or: [
            { name:     { "$regex": filter, "$options": "i" } }
            // some condition that will always return false when is filter is NaN
            ( isNaN(filter) ? { name: "Does not exist" } : { weight:   +filter }) 