I'm trying to set the description field using a string variable from C# codebehind. I cannot get the buttons to work unless I hardcode the description in the Javascript embedded in the HTML code.
The goal is to build a single amount paid with a variable description. I have the amount worked out but cannot seem to get the description field to take. The buttons render but when clicked on I just get the error message.
It does work if I use:
Description: "Hard Code Info"
I'm new to Javascript - any help would be appreciated.
<script src="https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=xx¤cy=USD&intent=capture"></script>
var num
var apr
var ssk
const paypalButtonsComponent = paypal.Buttons({
// optional styling for buttons
// https://developer.paypal.com/docs/checkout/standard/customize/buttons-style-guide/
style: {
color: "gold",
shape: "rect",
layout: "vertical"
// set up the transaction
createOrder: (data, actions) => {
// pass in any options from the v2 orders create call:
// https://developer.paypal.com/api/orders/v2/#orders-create-request-body
num = document.getElementById("MyAmount").textContent;
ssk = document.getElementById("WhyDonate").textContent;
const createOrderPayload = {
purchase_units: [{
description: {
value: ssk
amount: {
value: num
items: [{
name: "Dues Or Donation",
unit_amount: {
currency_code: 'USD',
value: num,
quantity: "1"
return actions.order.create(createOrderPayload);
// finalize the transaction
onApprove: (data, actions) => {
const captureOrderHandler = (details) => {
const payerName = details.payer.name.given_name;
document.getElementById("MyAmount").textContent = apr;
document.getElementById('<%=ClearSession.ClientID %>').click();
return actions.order.capture().then(captureOrderHandler);
// handle unrecoverable errors
onError: (err) => {
console.log('An error prevented the buyer from checking out with PayPal');
// alert('An error prevented the buyer from checking out with PayPal');
.catch((err) => {
console.log('PayPal Buttons failed to render');
and .capture
are deprecated and should not be used for any new integration; support will be sunset and removed in the future.
Instead, create and capture the order from a backend (not browser JS) -- and fetch to those routes from the JS you have.
See the standard integration guide for details and an example. That example uses node.js for its backend but of course those backend routes can be implemented in any environment/language; whatever you're using for your server.