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estimating the midpoint of two dates

I like to know what is the midpoint of 12 months and 5years 6months ? in years.

This is how i calculate this value.

Step1 : Converting 5years 6 months to days : 5 * 365.25 + 6 * 30 = 2007 days

Step2 : Converting 12 months to days : 365.25 days

Step3 : Subtracting 12 months in days (Step2) from Step1. : 2007days - 365.25days = 1642days

Step4 : 1642/2 = 821 day.

Step5 : 2007 - 821 = 1186 = 3.24 years

Like to confirm if this correct ?


  • To answer this particular question, you can use the duration class of lubridate:

    mean(c(duration(1, units = "years"), duration(5.5, units = "years"))) |> as.duration()
    # [1] "102562200s (~3.25 years)"