Being new to Vue.js, I'm trying to pass data from a cshtml view to a Vue app, then from the Vue app to a Vue component within the app and render it there.
I'm trying to pass the data as data attribute within the target div that renders the Vue app:
The rendering div:
<div id="schoolsSearch" data-model-value="@Model.Title"></div>
Where the Vue app is initiated:
new Vue({
el: '#schoolsSearch',
data: {
modelValue: document.getElementById('schoolsSearch').getAttribute('data-model-value').toString()
}, render: h => h(schoolsSearchApp)
Within the Vue app:
data: function () {
return {
modelValue: null,
The component within the Vue app:
<School-Card v-for="school in limitedItems" :passedvalue="modelValue" :key="school.DisplayName" :school="school"></School-Card>
And within the component:
props: ['school'], passedValue: {
type: String,
required: true,
<p>{{ passedValue }}</p>
There are no errors, if I view the Vue tools in Firefox I can see modelValue but it's null and hasn't been set to the value passed down from view to app.
What am I missing?
moving the data to the parent component should fix the issue
data: function () {
return {
modelValue: document.getElementById('schoolsSearch').getAttribute('data-model-value').toString()