In my ASP.NET MVC project I'm trying to achieve the equivalent of this SQL Server code:
SELECT COUNT(*) as TotalCount, SUM(SomeColumn) as TotalSum
FROM SomeTable
WHERE param1 = 'foo' AND param2 = 'bar'
...with Entity Framework in a single async query. Essentially I'm looking to get not only the sum, but also the number of rows used to calculate the sum of the SomeColumn
column in a single call.
So far I've only managed to do this in two calls:
using (var context = new myEntities())
// 1st query which does .SumAsync(x => x.SomeColumn)
// 2nd query which performs a .Count() on the result set
Is it possible to do this in one async call, like the SQL provided above? Should I just create a view or stored proc on the SQL side?
var query = await (from zz in db.SomeTable
where zz.Foo > 1
group zz by 1 into grp
select new
rowCount = grp.CountAsync(),
rowSum = grp.SumAsync(x => x.SomeColumn)
I tested a sync version in a dev environment I am running.