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Discord on Ready tree sync with Javascript

I have been trying to write new bot on my own looking at different projects which are written in python. Since they are written in python I have no clue how to migrate them to javascript therefore I am searching through documentation. Yet, I couldn't find anything like treeor CommandTreeanywhere in those documentations. I use discord.js .

Python Code:

intents = discord.Intents.default()
client = discord.Client(intents=intents)
tree = app_commands.CommandTree(client)

My code in on ready:

client.on('ready', async () => {
    await client.user.setActivity({ type: 'WATCHING', name: loadConfigs.activity_name });

    if (!fs.existsSync(`${process.env.DATA_PATH}tracked_accounts.db`)) {

    // TODO: Handle tree.on_error and load cogs`${client.user.tag} is online`);

    const slashCommands = **await client.tree.sync(); //?!?!??**`Synced ${slashCommands.length} slash commands`);

Basically, what is the equivalent of python code to javascript in here. I want to sync slash commands.


  • discord.js does not treat command is this sort of way, it is up to the user to deal with how they are loaded and how the events are listened to.

    I would recommend looking through this guide, which shows how to implement commands: