I am trying to build this PostgreSQL in a JPA sentence:
FROM testing.producto p
INNER JOIN testing.fact_prod f ON p.id = f.producto_id
GROUP BY f.producto_id, p.id
In simple words im just trying to show the 5 most frequent products from the table fact_prod...
Here is my model Producto with the namedQuery which is the postgreSQL query converted to JPA:
@Table(name = "PRODUCTO")
@NamedQuery(name = "Producto.findTop5ByFrecuencia",
query = "SELECT p FROM Producto p INNER JOIN
p.factProdCollection f WHERE p.id = f.productoId.id
GROUP BY f.productoId, p.id ORDER BY COUNT(f) DESC")})
public class Producto implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Basic(optional = false)
@Column(name = "ID")
private Integer id;
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE, mappedBy = "productoId")
private Collection<FactProd> factProdCollection;
And my FactProd model which is a relation with Producto table:
public class FactProd implements Serializable {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Basic(optional = false)
@Column(name = "ID")
private Integer id;
@JoinColumn(name = "PRODUCTO_ID", referencedColumnName = "ID")
@ManyToOne(optional = false)
private Producto productoId;
Here is where i call the namedQuery findTop5ByFrecuencia from Producto model where i supose to get the query:
public List<Producto> findTop5ByFrecuenciaInFactura() {
Query query = em.createNamedQuery("Producto.findTop5ByFrecuencia").setHint(QueryHints.REFRESH, HintValues.TRUE);
List<Producto> productos = query.getResultList();
return productos;
The problem is my namedQuery findTop5ByFrecuencia is not giving me any results even when my postgreSQL is giving the correct results.
Any ideas on how can i fix this?
Maybe try using JPQL's size function:
"SELECT p, SIZE(p.factProdCollection) testingCount FROM Producto p ORDER BY testingCount DESC"
Your JPA provider will turn that into a query likely using a subquery, but one that will not require grouping. The query will return both the Producto instances and the collection size as a List<Object[]>.