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Is there a Typst equivalent for LaTeX's special page figure placement?

In LaTeX there's a handy placement option for figures that allows you to place them in another "special page", such that only figures appear in that page and they are vertically centered:

\caption{My caption...}

Is there a Typst equivalent of this?


  • Sure! You can add #pagebreak before and after the figure, or simply create a page container like the code below. set align(center + horizon) is what ensures the figure is vertically and horizontally centered on this new page.

    #set page(height: 3in)
    #let my-fig(..args, placement: none) = {
      if placement == page {
          #set align(center + horizon)
      } else {
        figure(..args, placement: placement)
    #let pic = rect(width: 50%, height: 50%, radius: 1em, fill: aqua)
    #my-fig(pic, caption: [top placement], placement: top)
    #my-fig(pic, caption: [page placement], placement: page)

    enter image description here