I have a list of Lenovo products. I am looking for a way to extract their Product number from it.
The number may sit anywhere in the cell.
The number is 10 characters long, it always contains both numbers and letters and no special characters between them.
Sometimes the number is in brackets or has some special characters before or after (like - _ " < etc.).
I don't need them, I am looking for exactly 10 letters or digits and have at least 1 digit in it.
In the last line from the example there are two words with 10 characters - THINKCENTRE and 12Q6000AGE. THINKCENTRE doesn't contain a number, so it should be excluded.
Input | Desired result |
LEGION T5 (90SV003WGE) | 90SV003WGE |
FLEX 5 (82R700BEGE) XKLUSIV | 82R700BEGE |
V17-IRU 83A2001NGE | 83A2001NGE |
LENOVO E16 G1 21JT000HGE_WIN 11 | 21JT000HGE |
IDEAPAD 3 17ALC6 | 0 or empty |
I tried different formulas but it gives me various results. I managed to find a way to extract the longest word, but very often this number isn't the longest and/or includes a lot of characters for cleanup.
Starting assumptions:
You could try to split your input on anything that isn't alphanumeric. That can be achieved with a double TEXTSPLIT()
rather easy. Now you can check these substrings against your criteria using some boolean structure. For example:
Formula in B2
=MAP(A2:A8,LAMBDA(s,LET(i,SEQUENCE(36)-1,r,TEXTSPLIT(s,TEXTSPLIT(s,BASE(i,36),,1)),TEXTJOIN(", ",,REPT(r,ISERR(-r)*(TEXTBEFORE(r&0,i)<>r)*(LEN(r)=10))))))
You can also use an UDF applying some regular expression to extract the same as the above:
Public Function RegexMatch(s As String) As String
Static RE As Object: If RE Is Nothing Then Set RE = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
RE.Pattern = "(?:\b|_)(?!\d+\b|[A-Z]+\b)([A-Z\d]{10})(?:\b|_)"
RE.Global = True
Set REMatches = RE.Execute(s)
If REMatches.Count > 0 Then
For Each Match In REMatches
If RegexMatch = "" Then
RegexMatch = Match.Submatches(0)
RegexMatch = RegexMatch & ", " & Match.Submatches(0)
End If
RegexMatch = vbNullString
End If
End Function
The pattern's explaination can be found here
You can invoke the UDF using: =RegexMatch(A2)
or embedded in a MAP(A2:A8,LAMBDA(s,RegexMatch(s)))