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Log in using Service Principal for assigning app roles to users

I'm working on a script for adding app roles for given users. I can do so using the following HTTP call (Graph API):

curl --silent -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
  -d "{\"appRoleId\":\"${AIRLOCK_MANAGER_ROLE_ID}\",\"principalId\":\"${AIRLOCK_MANAGER_USER}\",\"resourceId\":\"${WORKSPACE_APP_REG}\"}" \${WORKSPACE_APP_REG}/appRoleAssignments

I acquire the token using my personal user with the Tenant. That's the user I use daily for regular work, and everything goes fine. It means I make the call and the app role is assigned to given user. For the moment the token is acquired, my user has Privileged Role Administrator enabled.

For login I use az login, and for acquiring the token I use az account get-access-token --resource-type ms-graph.

In production I want to use a service principal. Actually, this service principal belongs to the app registration to whom the target app role belongs to. I have created a secret, and acquired a token using:

az login --service-principal --allow-no-subscriptions --tenant "${TENANT_ID}" --username "${CLIENT_ID}" --password "${CLIENT_SECRET}"

Using this I can make the following call, for getting roles assigned to the target user:${AIRLOCK_MANAGER_USER}/appRoleAssignments

However, when trying to assign an app role using the same POST call shown above, I receive the following error message:

Error message

It's quite clear that the service principal doesn't have enough privileges. For solving this, I tried the following API permissions assginment:

Permissions assignment

Permissions Application.Read.All and AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All are assigned according to this link. I have also tried Application type (with Admin consent granted) and received the same error message. After each change in permissions, I waited around 20 minutes.

Do you know which other permissions are supposed to be assigned?


The problems were:

  1. Token was acquired before permissions Application.Read.All and AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All were assigned.
  2. Permissions Application.Read.All and AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All must be of Application type.

Correct permissions

The new token includes the required roles assigned:

enter image description here


  • The error occurred as you are using permissions of Delegated type while signing in as a service principal.

    Initially, I too got same error when I ran the below script by signing as service principal with Delegated permissions:

    az login --service-principal --allow-no-subscriptions --tenant "${TENANT_ID}" --username "${CLIENT_ID}" --password "${CLIENT_SECRET}"
    TOKEN=$(az account get-access-token --resource-type ms-graph --query 'accessToken' --output tsv)
    curl --silent -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
      -d "{\"appRoleId\":\"${AIRLOCK_MANAGER_ROLE_ID}\",\"principalId\":\"${AIRLOCK_MANAGER_USER}\",\"resourceId\":\"${WORKSPACE_APP_REG}\"}" \${WORKSPACE_APP_REG}/appRoleAssignments


    enter image description here

    To resolve the error, make sure to grant permissions of Application type while signing in as service principal and acquire the token again.

    enter image description here

    If the error still persists, try assigning Application Administrator role to the service principal like this:

    enter image description here

    Now, I generated token again by running below script and got the response successfully like this:

    az login --service-principal --allow-no-subscriptions --tenant "${TENANT_ID}" --username "${CLIENT_ID}" --password "${CLIENT_SECRET}"
    TOKEN=$(az account get-access-token --resource-type ms-graph --query 'accessToken' --output tsv)
    curl --silent -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" \
      -d "{\"appRoleId\":\"${AIRLOCK_MANAGER_ROLE_ID}\",\"principalId\":\"${AIRLOCK_MANAGER_USER}\",\"resourceId\":\"${WORKSPACE_APP_REG}\"}" \${WORKSPACE_APP_REG}/appRoleAssignments


    enter image description here