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Configuring AppSettings with ASP.Net Core on Azure Web App for Containers: Whither Colons?

Consider this appsettings.json:

  "Parent": {
    "ChildOne": "C1 from secrets.json",
    "ChildTwo": "C2 from secrets.json"

According to Microsoft (, if an app using this config was deployed to an AppService in Azure, the config could be overwritten by creating Application settings in Azure in the style Parent:ChildOne / Parent:ChildTwo. To be clear: using colons to target a specific piece of config.

This works just fine with a standard AppService:

Colons are fine on an Azure App Service

However, if you're using Web App for Containers / i.e. a Docker image deployed to an Azure App Service on Linux ( you cannot use colons:

Colons are not fine on Azure App Service for Linux


When you hover over the error you see this message: This field can only contain letters, numbers (0-9), periods ("."), and underscores ("_"). Using . does not work alas.

How do you configure say Parent:ChildOne in Azure? Parent.ChildOne does not work. Can anyone advise? I can't find any docs on this....


  • After more experimentation than I'd like to admit I think I have the answer.

    Where you use : on an App Service, use a __ (double underscore) on an App Service with containers.

    So Parent__ChildOne instead of Parent:ChildOne.

    To read a little more (not much more), I wrote this up as a blog post here: