from a vector list with to columns, a loop should use an url from the first column and subsequently store a thumbnail under the name from the value in the second column
A solution for single value and name works; but looping through a list not
Goal is to have stored images as:
list <- data.frame(
urls=c("url1", "url2", "url3", "url4"),
# This works for a single Url and single name
page <- read_html(z)
thumbnail_url <- page %>% html_node("meta[property='og:image']") %>% html_attr("content")
thumbnail_id <- ("test.jpg")
download.file(thumbnail_url,thumbnail_id, mode = 'wb')
#Tried with a nested loop function with no success
for (i in list$urls){
for(j in list$names){
page <- read_html(i)
thumbnail_url <- page %>% html_node("meta[property='og:image']") %>% html_attr("content")
thumbnail_id <- (paste(j,".jpg"))
download.file(thumbnail_url,thumbnail_id, mode = 'wb')
#using nrow and ncol didnt help me to get the filename right
for (row in 1:nrow(list$urls)) {
for (col in 1:ncol(list$names)) {
page <- read_html(row)
thumbnail_url <- page %>% html_node("meta[property='og:image']") %>% html_attr("content")
thumbnail_id <- (paste(col,".jpg"))
download.file(thumbnail_url,thumbnail_id, mode = 'wb')
You just need to use your loop counter as an index to the url
and names
elements of the list:
for (i in 1:nrow(list)) {
page <- read_html(list$urls[i])
thumbnail_url <- page %>% html_node("meta[property='og:image']") %>% html_attr("content")
thumbnail_id <- (paste(list$names[i],".jpg"))
download.file(thumbnail_url,thumbnail_id, mode = 'wb')