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BizTalk 2020 - Converting XML to Arrayed JSON payload

I'm trying to send the below payload (JSON) to a REST endpoint, but when I use conventional mapping in BizTalk to build the XML schema, and then use the JSON encoder in a custom pipeline to send it out, it doesn't include the required array in filters (its a REST call requirement that the filters record is arrayed, even if there's only 1 filter record within)

  "busObId": "9343f8800bd7ce14f0bf0a402d9d38be1a25069644",
  "filters": [
      "fieldId": "937905400191ae67dd03ab4b79968fcbaa264b1a75",
      "operator": "eq",
      "value": "TIER1WEB02"
  "includeAllFields": false,
  "includeSchema": false

I've considered using message assignment to manually write an XML structure, but I can't figure out how to get the JSON encoder to array the filters element.

Can anyone please advise on how I can ensure that payload is not removing the [] around filters?


  • Make sure that your pipeline has a XML Assembler in the pipeline before the JSON Encoder.


    Details: JSON Encoder not creating JSON Array for what should be a repeating element. This occurs if you don’t have schema deployed that matches the XML payload and there is only a single item. See JSON Array – BizTalk JSON Encoder

    Work Around: The XML must conform to a schema that BizTalk knows about. Use a custom send pipeline that contains a XML Assembler pipeline component before the JSON encoder pipeline component.

    From my blog BizTalk 2013 R2 known bugs, issues & quirks