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Strange xargs Behavior with special characters within variable

I'm running into strange behavior with xargs in a bash script where the replacement is not working anymore when placing it in the middle of a variable with special characters. Please see the following:



echo 1 2 3 | xargs -n1 -I{} echo $url{}$parameters -o {}

results in:{}?Policy=1&KeyPairId=aaaaa&Signature=aa~UhFXhFy-DalIcQDq~Hfd-b57cm~~kkKfV6~ly1lapp0Elu1N84WKHh7Y4sjR2saA9cx2gJF8jTEUVsimQ21zBbyQE46-pPHyePAB1bV9nVfZ6euU14ovWyZazd3FyjGaN7qVSA5ntf8RUfUCo7Asc0Gilf0FJzzlMtI38hSWj3wGC-4B-7ANr -o 1{}?Policy=1&KeyPairId=aaaaa&Signature=aa~UhFXhFy-DalIcQDq~Hfd-b57cm~~kkKfV6~ly1lapp0Elu1N84WKHh7Y4sjR2saA9cx2gJF8jTEUVsimQ21zBbyQE46-pPHyePAB1bV9nVfZ6euU14ovWyZazd3FyjGaN7qVSA5ntf8RUfUCo7Asc0Gilf0FJzzlMtI38hSWj3wGC-4B-7ANr -o 2{}?Policy=1&KeyPairId=aaaaa&Signature=aa~UhFXhFy-DalIcQDq~Hfd-b57cm~~kkKfV6~ly1lapp0Elu1N84WKHh7Y4sjR2saA9cx2gJF8jTEUVsimQ21zBbyQE46-pPHyePAB1bV9nVfZ6euU14ovWyZazd3FyjGaN7qVSA5ntf8RUfUCo7Asc0Gilf0FJzzlMtI38hSWj3wGC-4B-7ANr -o 3

Please note the 1 2 and 3 did not show up but was the literal {} in the endpoint.

I determined it was the parameter because when I removed a few characters, it worked:



echo 1 2 3 | xargs -n1 -I{} echo $url{}$parameters -o {} -o 1 -o 2 -o 3

Note the 1, 2, and 3 is there.

I am on MacOS. This behavior seems to be specific to the xargs on Mac. This will not even run on linux xargs with the flags passed. Would love some suggestions how to make this portable and work on all systems. Thank you.


  • From the man page:

    -I replstr
            Execute utility for each input line, replacing one or more
            occurrences of replstr in up to replacements (or 5 if no -R flag
            is specified) arguments to utility with the entire line of input.
            The resulting arguments, after replacement is done, will not be
            allowed to grow beyond replsize (or 255 if no -S flag is
            specified) bytes; this is implemented by concatenating as much of
            the argument containing replstr as possible, to the constructed
            arguments to utility, up to replsize bytes.  The size limit does
            not apply to arguments to utility which do not contain replstr,
            and furthermore, no replacement will be done on utility itself.
            Implies -x.

    Your output string is longer that 255 characters, so it doesn't perform the replacement. Add a -S option that's large than the maximum possible output string.

    $ echo 1 2 3 | xargs -n1 -I{} -S 500 echo "$url{}$parameters" -o {} -o 1 -o 2 -o 3

    Also remember to quote variables to prevent word splitting and globbing.