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How to protect a templated derived class after being cast from a base class having the incorrect template type being used?

I'm trying to write a container that handles a vector of ObjArray's which is a templated class. ObjArray inherits from a base class and the container holds a list of base pointers which I cast to the right type when manipulating. How do I make this as failsafe as possible for the caller?

A code snippet below shows what I'm trying to do with comments about what could go wrong.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

struct CustomA{
    int a;

struct CustomB{
    float b;

class IObjArray{
    virtual void RemoveObj(int obj_id) = 0;
    virtual ~IObjArray() = default;

template<typename T>
class ObjArray : public IObjArray{
    void RemoveObj(int obj_id) override {
        std::cout << "Removing object of id" << obj_id << "\n";
        // Mechanism for removing object from vector below...
    void AddT(T obj){
    std::vector<T> vec_of_T_;

class ObjManager{
    template<typename obj>
    size_t RegisterObj(){
        return list_.size() - 1;
    template<typename T>
    void AddObj(size_t obj_array_id, T obj){
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IObjArray>> list_;

int main()
    ObjManager om;
    auto id_a = om.RegisterObj<CustomA>();
    auto id_b = om.RegisterObj<CustomB>();
    CustomA a{0};
    om.AddObj(id_a, a);
    om.AddObj(id_b, a); // This compiles but is bad. Anyway to stop this happening? Registering a CustomA type in a CustomB ObjArray.
    // om.AddObj<CustomB>(id_b, a); // This doesn't compile because of type mismatch
    return 0;


I could use some form of typeid(T) to add to a map when objects are registered and then whenever AddObj is called it could typeid(T) as a key into the map and pull the correct ObjArray. I'd rather use an ID based system thought to index into the array and to keep this as fast as possible. I also can't add the methods AddObj to the IObjArray interface because they're templated.

Is it possible to fix these issues or is it just important to make the caller aware?



  • If id_a and id_b can be of different type you can wrap the size_t index into a class template that is tagged with the type of the element:

    template <typename T>
    struct Index {
        size_t value = 0;
        using type = T;
    class ObjManager{
        template<typename obj>
        Index<obj> RegisterObj(){
            return {list_.size() - 1};
            //     ^ wrap the index
        template<typename T>
        void AddObj(Index<T> obj_array_id, T obj){
            //                                           ^ unwrap it
        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IObjArray>> list_;

    Then here:

    om.AddObj(id_a, a);
    om.AddObj(id_b, a);    // error, as it should 

    first line compiles while the second does not, because the Index type of id_b does not match that of b.

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