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Why typescript doesn't check undefined when calling specific array index

I'm trying to investigate why there is a runtime error when I called article.posts[0].title

I have post and posts and I want to call the first post of article (posts[0].title).
typescript assume I have posts size greater than 0 and doesn't throw any error.

type Post = {
    title: string
    url: string

type Posts = Maybe<Array<Post>>

type Article = {
   posts: Posts

and global type

type Maybe<T> = T | null;

is there a typescript rule, eslint plugin or editor plugin that can detect this issue?

const article: Article = {
    posts: [],


the final and correct code should be

const article: Article = {
    posts: [],


thank you in advance.

enter image description here error image


  • Try accessing the array at index with at:

    const arr: string[] = [];
    const x =;

    Here you can see a playground.

    Mind that it won't check the index or the array length, but it will force you to check if the element exists before accessing it.

    The above code does not compile:

    Object is possibly 'undefined'.(2532)

    While the following does compile:

    const arr: string[] = [];
    const x =;

    In other words, the type of arr[0] is string, while the type of is string | undefined.

    A good practice could be never accessing an array with the square brackets notation, but:

    • use .at(...) to access specific indices of the array
    • use functional methods like .map, .filter, .reduce and so on to iterate over the array