I feel like this should be something several other people already accomplished... to write a script that removes all sample data from a dev webpage using the Wordpress Rest API. Right now I try to automate posting images and posts, which works and leads to several of hundreds posts and images blowing up my database. Looking for a script doing that, neither ChatGPT nor browsing the web has provided any good answers.
Any ideas where to look for scripts like that or how to write it yourself?
I hope this helps someone else out in the future!!
import requests
import base64
def generate_auth_header():
"""Generate the authentication header for the Wordpress API."""
user = "admin" # Set your username here
password = "iTef fMhJ Rcij Azj3 Uban TeST" # Set your Appllication password here
credentials = user + ":" + password
token = base64.b64encode(credentials.encode())
header = {"Authorization": "Basic " + token.decode("utf-8")}
return header
except IOError as e:
raise IOError(f"Error connecting to Wordpress backend: {e}") from e
# Create header and wordpress URL
wordpress_url = 'http://localhost:10014/wp-json/wp/v2/' # Set your domain here
header = generate_auth_header()
Note: If you haven't set an Application Password yet, read this
# Function to get all posts
def get_all_posts():
posts_url = f'{wordpress_url}posts?per_page=100'
response = requests.get(posts_url, headers=header, timeout=5)
return response.json()
# Function to delete a post by ID
def delete_post(post_id):
delete_url = f'{wordpress_url}posts/{post_id}'
response = requests.delete(delete_url, headers=header, timeout=5)
return response.status_code
# Get first 100 posts
posts = get_all_posts()
print(f"posts: {posts}")
# Delete all posts iterating over 100 posts at a time
while posts != []:
for post in posts:
post_id = post['id']
delete_status = delete_post(post_id)
if delete_status in [200, 201]:
print(f"Post {post_id} deleted successfully.")
print(f"Failed to delete post {post_id}, status code: {delete_status}")
posts = get_all_posts()
Note: The query string ?per_page=100
in the GET-posts URL makes things easier instead of iterating over the default 10 posts at a time.
# Function to get all images
def get_all_media():
media_url = f'{wordpress_url}media?per_page=100'
response = requests.get(media_url, headers=header, timeout=5)
return response.json()
# Function to delete each image by ID
def delete_media(media_id):
delete_url = f'{wordpress_url}media/{media_id}?force=1'
response = requests.delete(delete_url, headers=header, timeout=5)
return response.status_code
# Get and delete all media (images)
media = get_all_media()
print(f"media: {media}")
# Delete all media (images) iterating over 100 images at a time
while media != []:
for media_item in media:
media_id = media_item['id']
delete_status = delete_media(media_id)
if delete_status in [200, 201]:
print(f"Media {media_id} deleted successfully.")
print(f"Failed to delete media {media_id}, status code: {delete_status}")
media = get_all_media()
Note: Without the query string ?force=1
deleting images did not work for me.