I am trying to get a Python 3.11 script with a flask app talking to a fully separate Python 2.7 script that is controlling a robot. The Python 3.11 file creates angles that the robot arm receives.
The current problem is that I haven't found a way to get a list of angles from one program to the next. Also, the sending of the angles has to be very fast because they are being created from a live video. The function to send the angles currently looks like this:
def sendAngles(videomodus,liste): # videomodus is a variable to make clear if its a list of lists with angles or just a list with angles
# this function gets called every frame
I have already tried using socket and writing to a file, but in both situation, both programs get stuck.
I now use pipe for sending the list between the two programs.
import json
import os
check_path = '/home/alex/robbi-master/robbi/pipes/check'
listen_path = '/home/alex/robbi-master/robbi/pipes/liste'
if not os.path.exists(check_path):
if not os.path.exists(listen_path):
def sendwinkel(videoModus, liste):
if not videoModus:
with open(listen_path, 'w') as liste_fifo:
data = json.dumps(liste)
with open(check_path, 'r') as check:
elif videoModus:
a = 0
while a < liste.length:
with open(listen_path, 'w') as liste_fifo:
data = json.dumps(liste[a])
with open(check_path, 'r') as check:
a += 1
Receiver (ros script):
def go_to_joint_state(self):
joint_goal = self.group.get_current_joint_values()
with open(listen_path, 'r') as listen_fifo:
data = listen_fifo.read()
joint_goal = json.loads(data)
#self.group.go(joint_goal, wait=True)
with open(check_path, 'w') as check: