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Trying to bind in class on a click event but gets an error of "Property "XXX" was accessed during render but is not defined on instance. "

Hello everyone I'm trying to bind a click event on a button to toggle a class on vue but I'm kinda stuck on the following code, can you help me with some tips and examples

my structure

|_Sidebar.vue  Sidebar Component 
|_SidebarJs // this is where all my function should be called by sidebar component

My Dashboard code

<Head title="Dashboard" />
<SideBar />
  <!-- start: Main -->
  <main class="w-full md:w-[calc(100%-256px)] md:ml-64 bg-gray-50 min-h-screen transition-all main">
    <div class="py-2 px-6 bg-white flex items-center shadow-md shadow-black/5 sticky top-0 left-0 z-30">
        <button type="button" class="text-lg text-gray-600 sidebar-toggle" @click="SidebarJs.ToggleMenu">
            <i class="ri-menu-line" ></i>

    <!-- Some very long line of codes for other sections of dashboard  -->

Sidebar.vue code

    class="fixed left-0 top-0 w-64 h-full bg-gray-900 p-4 z-50 sidebar-menu transition-transform">   
 <!-- Some very long line of codes for other sections of Sidebar  -->


   const isexpanded = ref(false)
    var FunctionScripts = {
    ToggleMenu () {
            isexpanded.value = !isexpanded.value
    foo () {
        const activeClass = ref('active')
        const errorClass = ref('text-danger')
    bar () { console.log('bar') }
  export default FunctionScripts

import scripts

import { Head } from '@inertiajs/vue3';
import SideBar from '../Components/Sidebar.vue';
import SidebarJs from '@/../../resources/js/Functions/Sidebar';
import {ref} from 'vue';

my references for the codes i learn are from youtube and docs

my older code works only if all of the codes are not split up or inside a single vue but i want it to be organize so thats why i cant use these codes anymore

old code

<script setup>
import {ref} from 'vue';
const isexpanded = ref(false)
const ToggleMenu = ()=> {
    isexpanded.value = !isexpanded.value


  • Just found out the answer for myself with the help from the comments by adding props to access the child component to parent


    const isexpanded = ref(false)
    const ToggleMenu = ()=> {
    return isexpanded
      <SideBar :isexpanded="isexpanded"/>


      title: String,
      isexpanded: String


    var FunctionScripts = {
        ToggleMenu (isexpanded) {
            isexpanded.value = !isexpanded.value
            return isexpanded
        foo (data) {
            return data
        bar () { console.log('bar') }
      export default FunctionScripts