I am new to Jolt and trying to transform a JSON which has got an array of array objects. What I noticed is child array elements ("times") of one parent are mixing up with child array from another parent. Please let me know how to fix this?
Input JSON
"id": "1",
"name": "data1",
"opening": [
"From": "07:30:01",
"To": "17:30:01"
"From": "07:30:02",
"To": "17:30:02"
"id": "2",
"name": "data2",
"opening": [
"From": "07:30:03",
"To": "17:30:03"
"From": "07:30:04",
"To": "17:30:04"
Jolt Spec
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"id": "[&1].id",
"name": "[&1].name",
"opening": {
"*": {
"From": "[&1].timing.[&3].times[0].from",
"To": "[&1].timing.[&3].times[0].to"
Expected output
[ {
"id" : "1",
"name" : "data1",
"timing" : [ {
"times" : [ {
"from" : "07:30:01",
"to" : "17:30:01"
} ]
}, {
"times" : [ {
"from" : "07:30:02",
"to" : "17:30:02"
} ]
} ]
}, {
"timing" : [ {
"times" : [ {
"from" : "07:30:03",
"to" : "17:30:03"
} ]
}, {
"times" : [ {
"from" : "07:30:04",
"to" : "17:30:04"
} ]
} ],
"id" : "2",
"name" : "data2"
} ]
Current ouput
[ {
"id" : "1",
"name" : "data1",
"timing" : [ {
"times" : [ {
"from" : "07:30:01",
"to" : "17:30:01"
} ]
}, {
"times" : [ {
"from" : "07:30:03",
"to" : "17:30:03"
} ]
} ]
}, {
"timing" : [ {
"times" : [ {
"from" : "07:30:02",
"to" : "17:30:02"
} ]
}, {
"times" : [ {
"from" : "07:30:04",
"to" : "17:30:04"
} ]
} ],
"id" : "2",
"name" : "data2"
} ]
If you see the JSON array first object with id 1 contains times end with "01" & "03" and second object with id 2 contains times end with "02" & "04". I am expecting "01" & "02" and "03" & "04" respectively.
I think you were mixing up the parent array indexes &n when setting up the new structure , for example:
setting name, id is correct because you need to go up 1 level to get to the parent array , therefore using [&1] is correct.
setting the opening timing array however is wrong, in [&1].timing the index should be at level 3 now because you need it as part of the top parent array, so you count from the current From,To level at 0 up to 3 to get to the parent.
Setting the times array "[&3].times[0]" also wrong because the grouping should be similar to the opening array which is at level 1 above. Also Im not sure what is 0 suppose to do in times[0] , instead you should use # to indicate that you are grouping From,To under the same object for each timing.
Based on the info above the spec should be like this:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"*": "[&1].&",
"opening": {
"*": {
"From": "[&3].timing.[&1].times[#].from",
"To": "[&3].timing.[&1].times[#].to"