I have the following pipeline Jenkinsfile
code that presents the user with a drop-down list.
properties ([
parameters ([
choiceParam(name: "PICK_A_NUMBER",
choices: [0, 1, 2, 3],
description: "Simple choice")
How can I make it editable so the user can enter a different choice from the ones presented? Thanks!
There is an existing plugin called Editable Choice Plugin which provides an editable choice parameter feature which is exactly what you are looking for, the plugin enables you to select a value from a list of choices, or alternatively you can input any custom value, even if does not appear in the choice list.
Usage is quite simple:
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
name: 'PARAM1',
choices: ['Apple', 'Grape', 'Orange'],
stages {
stage('build') {
steps {
echo "PARAM1=${params.PARAM1}"
It also supports a default value option, an optional parameter to restrict the input to the choice list and a suggestions like filter config mechanism for displaying specific options.