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Customizing JPopupMenu in JFileChooser: Accessing Internal Components

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How can I access the JPopupMenu that is invoked from a JFileChooser and customize that (background, foreground, borders)? The issue is that the popup is created inside sun.swing.FilePane, which I cannot access because the sun.* packages are not accessible by default. Developing a new FileChooser is not feasible as a lot of work has already been done. Do you have any ideas?

I tried iterating through nested components, but since I couldn't import FilePane, it didn't yield any results.


  • I tried iterating through nested components, but since I couldn't import FilePane, it didn't yield any results.

    sun.swing.FilePane extends JPanel, you can search this JPanel instead and get the JPopupMenu.

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.util.Objects;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class FileChooserPopupMenuTest {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> {
          JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
              .map(c -> ((JPanel) c).getComponentPopupMenu())
              .ifPresent(popup -> {
                popup.add(new JCheckBoxMenuItem("JCheckBoxMenuItem"));
      public static Stream<Component> descendants(Container parent) {
        return Stream.of(parent.getComponents())
            .flatMap(c -> Stream.concat(Stream.of(c), descendants(c)));