i have 3 diff files called newConfig, historyConfig and draftConfig .tsx
inside newConfig i have export const config1 = [{1:"new",2:"new new"}]
inside historyConfig i have export const config1 = [{1:"his",2:"his his"}]
inside draftConfig i have export const config1 = [{1:"draf",2:"draf draf"}]
and in another file I wanted to export config1 from diff files based on the param:
const switchIt = async (currentType: string, currentMode: string) => {
try {
const pathName = currentType.concat(currentMode)
console.log(pathName) //output: NewMerchant
//This cannot work
const configModule = await import(`@WebFEFrameUtilities/applicationConfigs/${pathName}Config`);
// But this can work >> const configModule = await import(`@WebFEFrameUtilities/applicationConfigs/NewMerchantConfig`);
const currentConfig = configModule.config1;
console.log("Success >>>>", currentConfig)
return currentConfig;
} catch (error) {
Can I know why
const configModule = await import(`@WebFEFrameUtilities/applicationConfigs/${pathName}Config`);
cannot work ? But
const configModule = await import(`@WebFEFrameUtilities/applicationConfigs/NewMerchantConfig`);
can work ?
or maybe how can make the dynamic one can work ?
This because the packaging tool(like webpack) will not analyze a path contains variable,it just help us to transform a exact string path,so you need use relative path but '@' and add file extension to find the file you importing.