I am trying to convert the given query word into a ts_query which I can use in the where condition for select query. I am not getting the records in query as this plainto_tsquery is giving the invalid root word for English config.
Database demo table :
id | ts_vector |
1 | create:1,test:2 |
3 | schedule:1,test:2 |
Query : select * from demo where ts_vector @@ plainto_tsquery("english","create")
0 records
Query : select * from demo where ts_vector @@ plainto_tsquery("simple","create")
id | ts_vector |
1 | create:1,test:2 |
found that the issue is in the plainto_tsquery with English config, it stems the given words as below. so the query is returning 0 records as there are no records with the given root words in ts_vector.
select plainto_tsquery("English","create")
select plainto_tsquery("simple","schedule")
Why is this happening? is 'creat' the root word for create in English? I have updated the Postgres dictionary but no change in the result.
That is working as expected.
The English text search configuration uses the Snowball dictionary english_stem
for natural language words:
\dF+ english
Text search configuration "pg_catalog.english"
Parser: "pg_catalog.default"
Token │ Dictionaries
asciihword │ english_stem
asciiword │ english_stem
email │ simple
file │ simple
float │ simple
host │ simple
hword │ english_stem
hword_asciipart │ english_stem
hword_numpart │ simple
hword_part │ english_stem
int │ simple
numhword │ simple
numword │ simple
sfloat │ simple
uint │ simple
url │ simple
url_path │ simple
version │ simple
word │ english_stem
The Snowball dictionary does not understand the language, so that it can stem correctly, but it uses heuristics for stemming that are usually good enough. However, "creat" is the correct stemming for "create": think of "creating".
If you created the tsvector
using the simple
text search configuration, you cannot expect to find it with a tsquery
that was generated with a different text search configuration.