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How to correctly define a classmethod that accesses a value of a mangled child attribute?

In Python, how do I correctly define a classmethod of a parent class that references an attribute of a child class?

from enum import Enum

class LabelledEnum(Enum):
    def list_labels(cls):
        return list(l for c, l in cls.__labels.items())

class Test(LabelledEnum):
    A = 1
    B = 2
    C = 3

    __labels = {
        1: "Label A",
        2: "Custom B",
        3: "Custom label for value C + another string",

# expected output
# ["Label A", "Custom B", "Custom label for value C + another string"]

In the code above I expect that Test.list_labels() will correctly print out the labels, however because the __labels dictionary is defined with the double underscore, I cannot access it correctly.

The reason I wanted to have double underscore is to make sure that the labels would not show up when iterating over the enumerator, e.g. list(Test) should not show the dictionary containing labels.


  • Note: This answer was originally a comment to the question.

    I strongly advise taking a different approach, like:

    Python 3.11+

    I do not suggest using private names. That being said, if for some reason you must use private names and you can't use the @enum.nonmember decorator, which is a much better approach. Then the following will work in Python 3.11+.

    The _Private__names section in Enum HOWTO states:

    Private names are not converted to enum members, but remain normal attributes.

    You could do something really ugly like:

    getattr(cls, f"_{cls.__name__}__labels", {})
    from enum import Enum
    class LabelledEnum(Enum):
        def list_labels(cls):
            # account for private name mangling
            labels = getattr(cls, f"_{cls.__name__}__labels", {})
            return list(l for c, l in labels.items())
    class Test(LabelledEnum):
        A = 1
        __labels = { 1: "Label A" }
    # ['Label A']

    Python < 3.11

    In Python versions less than 3.11, __labels will become the _Test__labels enum member of Test. And the above code will raise an error, due to getattr returning the enum rather than a dict.

    #{'A': <Test.A: 1>, '_Test__labels': <Test._Test__labels: {1: 'Label A'}>}
    #<enum 'Test'>

    Also, in Python 3.9 and 3.10, using private names in an enum class will cause a DeprecationWarning, similar to the following:

    DeprecationWarning: private variables, such as '_Test__labels', will be normal attributes in 3.10