Why does this formula (which works) display BOTH structured tables?
From Stackoverflow, Chris Neilsen, August 15, 2021:
=LET(x, table1, y, table2,
rows1, ROWS(x), rows2, ROWS(y),
myrows, SEQUENCE(rows1+rows2),
mycols, SEQUENCE(1,COLUMNS(x)),
IF(myrows<=rows1, x, INDEX(y, myrows-rows1, mycols)))
It is the calculation step in LET():
IF(myrows<=rows1, x, INDEX(y, myrows-rows1, mycols))
that perplexes me. It appears that EITHER x OR y should result, NOT BOTH. Thanks.
I carefully worked through the formula and tested parts of the formula independently.
Chris Neilsen's answer was posted before the release of the VSTACK
function i.e. it can be simplified with:
You could rewrite the formula e.g. in the following way:
=LET(x, Table1, y, Table2,
rows1, ROWS(x), rows2, ROWS(y),
myrows, SEQUENCE(rows1+rows2),
myrows1, myrows<=rows1,
myrows2, myrows-rows1,
mycols, SEQUENCE(1,COLUMNS(x)),
result, IF(myrows1, x, INDEX(y, myrows2, mycols)),
with any of the other variables.