I wanna pass "hello world" to the reserved "teste", but it just reads the first character of the string passed.
section .bss
teste resb 1024
section .text
global main
mov byte [teste], "hello world"
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, teste
mov edx, 10
int 0x80
mov eax, 1
xor ebx, ebx
int 0x80
I already tried changing from byte
to qword
, but it only add more 3 bytes and print "hell"
I already tried changing from
, but it only add more 3 bytes and print "hell"
In 32-bit programming you can't use a 64-bit immediate. You can do this in just 3 dword
mov ecx, teste
mov dword [ecx], "hell"
mov dword [ecx + 4], "o wo"
mov dword [ecx + 8], "rld "
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov edx, 10
int 0x80
mov dword [ecx + 8], "rld"
is valid too. NASM will then zero-pad to write a full dword.
In order to display the whole message, use mov edx, 11
(10 is one short).
It worked, but if I have a long string it won't be trivial doing that way... Isn't there a better way of doing that?
If you had a long string it would already be in memory somewhere, wouldn't it? Then you just copy it to the .bss
mov edi, teste
mov esi, message
mov ecx, length
rep movsb
message db 'This is a long string to copy elsewhere'
length equ $ - message