Search code examples

React component that groups posts and displays them in sets of 2 or 3, alternating between the two configurations

I'm building a Gutenberg block that that groups posts and displays them in sets of 2 or 3, alternating between the two configurations. This is the code I came up (some code omitted for brevity):

const { posts, hasPostsResolved } = useSelect(select => {
    const query = {
        order: 'asc',
        orderby: 'title',
        status: 'publish',
        per_page: 10,
    return {
        posts: select('core').getEntityRecords('postType', 'post', query),
        hasPostsResolved: select('core').hasFinishedResolution('getEntityRecords', ['postType', 'post', query]),
}, []);

const displayPosts = (posts) => {

    var posts_per_slide = 3;
    return (
            {, index) => {
                if (index % posts_per_slide === 0) {
                    posts_per_slide = (posts_per_slide === 3) ? 2 : 3;
                    return (
                        <div key={index / posts_per_slide} className={`post-group posts-${posts_per_slide}`}>
                            {posts.slice(index, index + posts_per_slide).map((groupedPost, groupIndex) => (
                                    key={index + groupIndex}
                                    <div className="wp-block-posts-carousel__post-thumbnail">
                                        <img src="" width="1000" height="700" />
                                        <h2 className="wp-block-posts-carousel__post-title">
                                                    ? decodeEntities(groupedPost.title.rendered)
                                                : __('(no title)')}
                return null;


return (
        <div {...blockProps}>
            {!hasPostsResolved &&
                <Spinner />
            {hasPostsResolved && posts?.length === 0 &&
                    {__('No posts found')}
            {hasPostsResolved && posts?.length > 0 &&
                    <div class="wp-block-posts-carousel__posts">

But it's not working as expected, because some of the posts are repeated in multiple posts groups, and also, I need the first group to contain three posts, not two.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • I managed to find a solution by grouping the posts in arrays of 3 and 2 BEFORE rendering them:

    const displayPosts = (posts) => {
        // Group posts in sets of three and two alternately.
        var groupedPosts = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < posts.length; i += 5) {
            groupedPosts.push(posts.slice(i, i + 3));
            groupedPosts.push(posts.slice(i + 3, i + 5));
        return (
                {, index) => (
                    <div key={index} className={`post-group posts-${group.length}`}>
                        {, subIndex) => (
                            <article key={subIndex} id={`post-${}`} className="wp-block-jn-post-carousel__post">
                                <div className="wp-block-jn-post-carousel__post-thumbnail">
                                    <img src="" width="1000" height="700" />
                                    <h2 className="wp-block-jn-post-carousel__post-title">
                                            ? decodeEntities(post.title.rendered)
                                            : __('(no title)')}