This may seems a silly question for Java developers, however, I'm new to Java, and my background is from low level c. I used to include an header file with all the constants that were relevant for my projects. (usually #define's). I'm working on a big Java project now, and there a few constants I need to make global (they fit in more than one class, and used in various parts of the project )
It makes it hard for me to decide where to put it, should I declare the same constant few times, one in each class ?
A lot of framework, uses XML files to declare constants & definitions for the framework (Hibernate, Log4J, etc.) Is it wise to use this kind of technique in my project ? if so, how can it be done easily ?
As with many things, there are many ways to do it. One thing you should not do is declare them multiple times - that's just plain silly. :P
Everything has to be in a class in Java, so either:
When you figure out where to put them, declare them all this way:
public static final [type] [NAME_IN_ALL_CAPS] = [value];
This will
, separated by underscores, is the convention in Java.
So, if this was declared in a class called FTPServerAPP
, and you had a constant called SERVICE_PORT
it might be:
public class FTPServerApp {
public static final int SERVICE_PORT = 21;
...and you would access it, from any class, like this...