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Print preview trims data on edge/chrome in Portrait mode

Print preview is cutting off right edges/side(few columns to be specific) of an HTML report in our Java based web-app in Chrome/Edge starting version 117 in Portrait mode, it does work in Landscape mode though. In Firefox, both mode works just fine without any cutting off. How to fix it?

I am aware Chrome/Edge uses same js engine compared to FF and hence the problem. Is there a CSS or some other fix for this issue? Any tips are greatly appreciated.

The element uses absolute position. It was working prior to version 117.

Debug Steps:

 Load the page 
 Open a report(created using HTML table). 
 Right mouse click > Print on Edge/Chrome
 Portrait mode - report is clipped off on right side
 Landscape mode - report rendered as desired


  • Ok So I found out a solution, happened to be the scale setting on the print options page. Chrome/Edge seems to be use bigger font size by default. Once I modified the scale ratio to a lower value from 100%, it seems to fit in the page as desired.