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React Router v6.4+ Data API: Retry loader without displaying error

Using react-router 6.21.1 and the new data api, I have routes setup like:

const routes = [
        element: <RootWrapper/>,
        errorElement: <ErrorWrapper/>,
        children: [
            {path: "/login?", element: <LoginWrapper/>},
            {path: "/logout", element: <Logout/>},
                id: "AuthenticatedRoot",
                element: <AuthenticatedRoot/>,
                children: [
                    // ...
                    {path: "/dashboard", element: <Dashboard/>, loader: fetchDashboard},

My dashboard view is on display 24/7 and revalidates every 5 minutes. It needs to stay up through up to 5 errors to give at least 30 minutes for releases or other unknown downtimes. It was simple to do when doing manual useEffects for data fetching because I could just handle the error that returned from the fetch request:

await axios.get('dashboard')
        response => {setData(},
        error => {
            setRetries(origRetries => {
                if (origRetries >= 6) {
                    return 0
                } else {
                    return origRetries + 1

Is there anyway to do something like this with the new loaders?


  • You could write your fetchDashboard loader function to close over the retry "state". An implementation may look similar to the following:

    const fetchDashboard = () => {
      let cache = {};
      let retry = 0;
      return async () => {
        try {
          const result = await axios.get('dashboard');
          // Success, cache result and reset retry state
          cache = result;
          retry = 0;
          return result;
        } catch (error) {
          // Failure/error, increment retry count
          if (retry > 5) {
            // Rethrow error if ran out of retries
            throw error;
          } else {
            // Otherwise return cached result
            return cache;
    const routes = [
        element: <RootWrapper />,
        errorElement: <ErrorWrapper />,
        children: [
          { path: "/login?", element: <LoginWrapper /> },
          { path: "/logout", element: <Logout /> },
            id: "AuthenticatedRoot",
            element: <AuthenticatedRoot />,
            children: [
              // ...
                path: "/dashboard",
                element: <Dashboard />,
                errorElement: <Dashboard />, // <-- render as error element too!
                loader: fetchDashboard(),    // <-- invoke outer function
    import {
    } from "react-router-dom";
    const Dashboard = () => {
      const navigate = useNavigate();
      const { state } = useNavigation(); // "idle"/"loading", could be handy
      const data = useLoaderData();
      const error = useRouteError();
      // Effect to trigger route revalidation, 5-minute interval
      useEffect(() => {
        const timer = setInterval(() => {
          navigate(".", { replace: true });
        }, 1000 * 60 * 5);
        return () => clearInterval(timer);
      }, []);
      return (


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