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Find which URLs are Listed in Column A and not in Column B via appscript

I have column A under which URLs are listed and column B under which the URLs are listed too. I want to find which URLs are listed in A but not in column B.

Desired Outcome

So far I was able to do this.

function populateColumnC() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1"); 
  var noOfRows = sheet.getLastRow()-1;
  const dataRange = sheet.getRange(2,1,noOfRows,2); 
  sheet.getRange(1,3,1,1).setValue('Listed in A but not in B');
  const dataValues = dataRange.getValues();

  for (var i =0; i<dataValues.length; i++) {





  • In your showing script, how about the following modification?

    Modified script 1:

    In this case, the output values are URLs.

    function populateColumnC() {
      const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
      var noOfRows = sheet.getLastRow() - 1;
      const dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 1, noOfRows, 2);
      const dataValues = dataRange.getRichTextValues().map(r => => c.getLinkUrl() || ""));
      // Logger.log(dataValues);
      const obj = new Set([, b]) => b));
      const res = dataValues.reduce((ar, [a]) => {
        if (!obj.has(a)) {
        return ar;
      }, [['Listed in A but not in B']]);
      sheet.getRange(1, 3, res.length).setValues(res);
    • When this script is run, I guess that your expected result is put into column "C".

    • Although I'm not sure about your actual Spreadsheet, if const dataValues = dataRange.getValues(); returns the URLs, I think that const dataValues = dataRange.getValues(); can be also used instead of const dataValues = dataRange.getRichTextValues().map(r => => c.getLinkUrl() || ""));.

    Modified script 2:

    In this case, the output values are the rich text including hyperlinks.

    function populateColumnC() {
      const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
      const sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet1");
      var noOfRows = sheet.getLastRow() - 1;
      const dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 1, noOfRows, 2);
      const dataValues = dataRange.getRichTextValues();
      const obj = new Set([, b]) => b.getLinkUrl()));
      const res = dataValues.reduce((ar, [a]) => {
        const url = a.getLinkUrl();
        if (url && !obj.has(url)) {
          ar.push([a]); // or ar.push([a.copy().setLinkUrl(url).build()]);
        return ar;
      }, [[SpreadsheetApp.newRichTextValue().setText('Listed in A but not in B').build()]]);
      sheet.getRange(1, 3, res.length).setRichTextValues(res);
