I want to load different unity scenes based on the tag the game object has with a box collider 2D like a level loader. I have 4 "doors" (the game object with the collider) named top for top bottom for bottom left for left and right for right so I want to load the scene named bottom for the bottom door.
This is the code that does not work what I have currently
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private string topScene;
[SerializeField] private string bottomScene;
[SerializeField] private string leftScene;
[SerializeField] private string rightScene;
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
if (collision.CompareTag("top"))
else if (collision.CompareTag("bottom"))
else if (collision.CompareTag("left"))
else if (collision.CompareTag("right"))
private void LoadScene(string sceneName)
Use gameObject.CompareTag("top") on all Conditions accept First One. Because collision.gameobject.CompareTag("??") && collision.CompareTag("??") is same thing. And you compare 2 tags on same gameobject while gameobject contains only one tag at a time. So during Collision, you can check that if collision gameobject having a Player tag and in nested condition you can also check that it contains top, left, right, bottom tag which is not right.