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Unity loading scenes from the tag of the box collider

I want to load different unity scenes based on the tag the game object has with a box collider 2D like a level loader. I have 4 "doors" (the game object with the collider) named top for top bottom for bottom left for left and right for right so I want to load the scene named bottom for the bottom door.

This is the code that does not work what I have currently

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private string topScene;
    [SerializeField] private string bottomScene;
    [SerializeField] private string leftScene;
    [SerializeField] private string rightScene;

    private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
            if (collision.CompareTag("top"))
            else if (collision.CompareTag("bottom"))
            else if (collision.CompareTag("left"))
            else if (collision.CompareTag("right"))

    private void LoadScene(string sceneName)

my hierarchy

my game scene


  • Use gameObject.CompareTag("top") on all Conditions accept First One. Because collision.gameobject.CompareTag("??") && collision.CompareTag("??") is same thing. And you compare 2 tags on same gameobject while gameobject contains only one tag at a time. So during Collision, you can check that if collision gameobject having a Player tag and in nested condition you can also check that it contains top, left, right, bottom tag which is not right.

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