I'm encountering an issue with my Spring Boot application where DataIntegrityViolationException is being thrown for unique fields sequentially, rather than simultaneously. This is occurring despite having unique constraints and @Column(unique = true) annotations in place for both the username and email fields. I double checked and they both have unique constraint present in the postgres as well.
Specific Behaviour:
"email": "test@test.com",
"password": "test",
"username": "test"
Exception thrown: DataIntegrityViolationException for email only.
"email": "newemail@example.com",
"password": "test",
"username": "test"
Exception thrown: DataIntegrityViolationException for username;
Expected Behavior:
I'd expect the application to throw DataIntegrityViolationException for both violating fields (username and email) simultaneously in the first request, as both fields have unique constraints.
Here are my files:
public class AuthenticationController {
private final AuthenticationService authenticationService;
public ResponseEntity<APIResponse<AuthenticationResponseDTO>> register(
@Valid @RequestBody RegisterRequestDTO request
) {
APIResponse<AuthenticationResponseDTO> response = authenticationService.register(request);
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.valueOf(response.getHttpStatus())).body(response);
public class AuthenticationService {
private final UserRepository userRepository;
private final JwtTokenService jwtService;
private final PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
public APIResponse<AuthenticationResponseDTO> register(RegisterRequestDTO request) {
var user = User.builder()
var jwtToken = jwtService.generateToken(user);
userRepository.saveAndFlush(user); //I've Placed the debugger here
AuthenticationResponseDTO authenticationResponse = AuthenticationResponseDTO.builder()
return APIResponse.ok(authenticationResponse,
User class:
@Table(name = "users", uniqueConstraints = { @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = "username"),
@UniqueConstraint(columnNames = "email")
public class User implements UserDetails {
@GeneratedValue(generator = "uuid2")
@GenericGenerator(name = "uuid2", strategy = "uuid2")
private UUID id;
@NotEmpty(message = "Username can not be empty")
private String username;
private String fullname;
@NotEmpty(message = "Email can not be empty")
@Email(regexp = "[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,3}", flags = Pattern.Flag.CASE_INSENSITIVE, message =
"Invalid Email Syntax")
private String email;
@NotEmpty(message = "Password can not be empty")
private String password;
private boolean active = true;
@Column(name = "auth_token")
private String authToken;
@Column(name = "user_type")
@Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING)
private UserType type;
public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() {
return type.getAuthorities();
public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
return true;
public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
return true;
public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
return true;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return true;
I think you can throw this exception for both violating fields simultaneously because DataIntegrityViolationException just reproduce SGBD side getting error on Spring. on SGBD side here is the errors you get when you try to insert data with unique constrainst violation (with mysql):
Whether the unique constraint is on one or two fields, we have the same error. so I don't think we can get both errors at the same time.
To catch and handle programmatically this error, you can do that in register() method:
public APIResponse<AuthenticationResponseDTO> register(RegisterRequestDTO request) {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(userRepository.existsByUsernameAndEmail(request.getUsername(), request.getEmail()))) {
throw new ResponseStatusException(
HttpStatus.CONFLICT, "Error: Username and Email is already exist for an user !", new RuntimeException("Error: Username and Email is already exist for an user !"));
var user = User.builder()
And in UserRepository add jpa criteria api existsByUsernameAndEmail():
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
Boolean existsByUsernameAndEmail(String username, String email);
Another way you could also do, would be to catch error and handle it on user repository saveAndFlush() method call:
try {
} catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
// log error here if you want;