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How can you get an element's text content without getting its children's text content?

Let's say you are using Playwright to validate some HTML that looks like this:

  The time is:
  <time>5:30 pm</time>

You can use this code:

page.locator('span', {has: page.locator('time')}).textContent();

to get:

The time is: 5:30 pm

But what if you just want the first part, since it won't change?

The time is:

Is there any way to get an element's text content without getting its children's text?

Currently the only solution I can come up with is get the text of both and then remove the child's text:

const parent = page.locator('span', {has: page.locator('time')});
const parentText = parent.textContent();
const child = parent.locator('time');
const childText = child.textContent();
const onlyParentText = parentText(0, parentText.length - childText.length);

...but that's a lot of JavaScript just to get a single DOM node's text.

Is there any easier way to do the above using Playwright features?


  • I don't think Playwright has this built-in, so going into evaluate is probably the best approach:

    const text = await page
      .locator("span", {has: page.locator("time")})
      .evaluate(el => el.firstChild.textContent);

    To generalize it to cases with multiple text nodes or arbitrary positioning within a parent,

    const text = await page
      .locator("span", {has: page.locator("time")})
      .evaluate(el =>
          .filter(e => e.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
          .map(e => e.textContent)

    Expect to trim and join text as necessary. For example:

    const playwright = require("playwright"); // ^1.39.0
    const html = `
      a <b>ignore this</b>
    <p> b <b>ignore this</b> c </p>
    <p> d <b>ignore this</b> e </p>`;
    let browser;
    (async () => {
      browser = await playwright.firefox.launch();
      const page = await browser.newPage();
      await page.setContent(html);
      const text = await page
        .evaluateAll(els =>
                e =>
                  e.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE &&
              .map(e => e.textContent.trim())
      console.log(text); // => [ [ 'a' ], [ 'b', 'c' ], [ 'd', 'e' ] ]
      .catch(err => console.error(err))
      .finally(() => browser?.close());

    As mentioned in the comments, if you're asserting in a test, probably best to use

    await expect(locator).toHaveText(/^\s*The time is:/m);