I'm using oracle apex 22.2.0. I have to put together a JSON payload that contains strings, array's, and booleans. I can't seem to find a way to convert my page item into a boolean while concatenating it with the rest of the payload. If I turn it into a variable of type = boolean, I get the error: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to '||'
when validating the code in the apex UI. If I try to send the variables as 'True' or 'False' strings, I get the error is_diligence_attested must be a boolean
. How can I successfully send these variables as booleans without harming the rest of my json body?
and v_is_bank_addendum_completed
have been converted into boolean pl/sql variables.v_json_data := '{
"client_id":"' || :P290_CLIENT_ID ||
'","secret":"' || :P290_SECRET ||
'","company_name":"' || :P290_COMPANY_NAME ||
'","address":{"city":"' || :P290_CITY || '","street":"' || :P290_STREET || '","region":"' || :P290_REGION || '","postal_code":"' || :P290_POSTAL_CODE || '","country_code":"' || :P290_COUNTRY_CODE || '"},
"application_name":"' || :P290_APPLICATION_NAME ||
'","legal_entity_name":"' || :P290_LEGAL_ENTITIY_NAME ||
'","website":"' || :P290_WEBSITE ||
'","is_diligence_attested":' || v_is_diligence_attested ||
',"is_bank_addendum_completed":' || v_is_bank_addendum_completed ||
"technical_contact":{"given_name":"Snoop Dog","family_name":"The OG","email":"SWED@email.com"},
'","is_diligence_attested":' || case when v_is_diligence_attested then 'true' else 'false' end ||