I just want my component to have some HelperText saying Please provide a valid @outlook.com email
. But it's picking up on the @
symbol and causing errors. How can I tell it to process it as a character in the string?
<MudTextField @bind-Text="Email" T="string" MaxLength="250"
Class="mt-2" Label="E-Mail*"
HelperText="Please provide a valid @outlook.com email"
HelperTextOnFocus="true" Margin="Margin.Dense" Variant="Variant.Outlined" />
You have at least three options that I can think of off the top of my head.
1. Use an expression containing the literal string
HelperText="@("Please provide a valid @outlook.com email")"
2. Bind to a local property
HelperText="@EmailHelperText" />
@code {
private string EmailHelperText { get; }
= "Please provide a valid @outlook.com email";
3. Replace the @
with the HTML entity @
HelperText="Please provide a valid @outlook.com email"
Demo: https://try.mudblazor.com/snippet/QYQSYvuTnXcvoquF
(Press the green play icon in the top left of the demo to view)