I have a array: arr=[x1, x2, x3...]
and a function that returns a value based on the first x
in arr
that the function is truthy.
# my_x is the return of func()
# with the first x in arr that func(x) is true
# and the entire arr array is not processed.
my_x=arr.ruby_magic{|x| func(x) }
my_x should be equal to first true value return of func(x)
Suppose each X
in arr
is a regex pattern. Without having to run every regex, I want to return the caputure group from the first match.
In Python, I would write a generator with next
. It will run each predicate until a truthy return then hand that value to m
. If no truthy return, None
is used as a default but that default could be anything:
import re
patterns=[r"no match", r": (Value.*?pref)", r": (Value.*)", r"etc..."]
This is the input txt
This is a match if the other is not found: Value 1
This is the match I am looking for first: Value 1 pref
Last line.
(m.group(1) for p in patterns
if (m:=re.search(rf'{p}', s))), None)
I have not found the equivalent in Ruby.
I could do an explicite loop:
# s in the same multiline string as above...
patterns=[/no match/, /: (Value.*?pref)/, /: (Value.*)/,/etc.../]
if m then
# val_I_want is either nil or
# the first match capture group that is true
That is the functionality I want but that seems kinda wordy in comparison to the the Python generator.
I have tried grep
with the first value being a predicate. But the probelm here is entire result array is generated prior to next
being used:
patterns.grep(proc {|p| p.match(s)}) {|m| m.match(s)[1]}.to_enum
# can then use .next on that.
#BUT it runs though the entire array when all I want is the first
#<Enumerator: ["Value 1 pref", "Value 1"]:each>
I tried find
but that returns the first pattern that is true, not the capture group:
> e=patterns.find{|p| p.match(s) }
=> /: (Value.*?pref)/
# Now I would have to rerun match with the pattern found to get the text
Thank you so much for the helpful ideas. I learned several new things in my Ruby kit bag.
After looking, trying several I think the best for me is combining Dogbert's lazy.filter_map
with Stefans suggestion of s[regex, 1]
for this:
val_I_want=patterns.lazy.filter_map { |p| s[p, 1] }.first
Interestingly, the syntax s[p, 1]
does NOT support dynamic regexes inside the []
operator without parenthesis like so (Regexp.new "#{p.to_s}(.*)")
which takeaway from the attractiveness.
I ended up using:
patterns.lazy.filter_map { |p| card.match("#{p}(.*)")&.[](1) }.first
But this works too:
patterns.find{ |p| m = card.match("#{p}(.*)") and break m[1] }
In a more general case, you can do:
def func(x)
# silly function for show
p arr.lazy.filter_map { |x| (fx=func(x))>30 ? [x,fx] : nil }.first
# [6, 36]
And a very honorable mention to engineersmnky's modification of my .find
val_I_want = patterns.find {|p| m = p.match(s) and break m[1] }
You can use .lazy.filter_map { .. }.first
. This will not run the block for elements after the first truthy value is found.
irb> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].lazy.filter_map { |x| p x; x > 3 ? x * 2 : nil }.first
=> 8
This will return x * 2
for the first x
that's greater than 3. I added p x;
to show that this code doesn't process the 5th element of the list.
The Regex example:
irb> regexes = [/(1)/, /(2)/, /(3)/]
=> [/(1)/, /(2)/, /(3)/]
irb> regexes.lazy.filter_map { |regex| p regex; regex.match("2")&.[](1) }.first
=> "2"
Using String[Regexp, Integer]
syntax as suggested by @Stefan in a comment below:
regexes.lazy.filter_map { |regex| p regex; string[regex, 1] }.first
irb> regexes = [/(1)/, /(2)/, /(3)/]
=> [/(1)/, /(2)/, /(3)/]
irb> string = "2"
=> "2"
irb> regexes.lazy.filter_map { |regex| p regex; string[regex, 1] }.first
=> "2"
irb> string = "4"
=> "4"
irb> regexes.lazy.filter_map { |regex| p regex; string[regex, 1] }.first
=> nil